Upcoming Webinars: USDA Coronavirus Relief Programs and Dairy Risk Management - Updated Economic Impact Study Released

October 28, 2020


Katelyn Parsons

The USDA Coronavirus Food Assistance Program, Part 2 (CFAP 2): What “Specialty Crop” Producers Should Know

  • Date: Friday, November 6, 11AM-Noon EST
  • Target Audience: Nursery & Greenhouse Growers, Fruit & Vegetable Growers, Aquaculture Producers, Tobacco Growers, Maple Syrup Producers, and others.
  • Please Join Farm Credit East, and the US Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency for a discussion of CFAP 2 focused on specialty crop producers, including floriculture and nursery crops, fruit and vegetable growers, aquaculture producers, tobacco growers, maple, and others.

Many specialty crop producers may be eligible for relief funds through CFAP 2. In this webinar, Farm Service Agency Program Specialists will review key details applicable to your operations, like eligibility requirements, payment limitations, records required, application procedures, and payment rates for each commodity. Time will be provided for Q&A. The program is open for applications now through December 11, 2020, so don’t miss your window of opportunity!

“Specialty crop” producers have not typically been included in many USDA programs, so this may be new to them, but they do not want to miss out as the relief funds we are talking about can be substantial.  

To Register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5892782402110364941

The H-2A Visa Program: Getting the Agricultural Workers you need, Legally

  • Date: Tuesday, November 17, 9:00-10:30 AM EST
  • Farm Credit East is pleased to cosponsor Harris Beach’s webinar on getting legal ag workers with H-2A on November 17 at 9:00AM. This 90-minute webinar is the second in a series that cover a handful of topics including the 2021 H-2A process, H-2B employer compliance and what constitutes “agricultural” employment. Qualification for H-2A and H-2B, navigating the DOL’s “Single Employer Test” in H-2A and addressing dairy farms and H-2A will also be covered.

To Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Ez1hdOEESiGeEhvlYM4VSQ

Dairy Markets – The 2020 Impact / Bracing for 2021

  • Date: Tuesday December 1, Noon-1:15PM EST
  • Target Audience: Northeast Dairy Producers, as well as suppliers and service providers

2020 Saw dramatic price swings in dairy markets due to COVID-19’s global impact on foodservice markets. What have we learned from this? What will 2021 bring? While the precise answers are still unknown, we are sure to see volatility. Are you sure you’re ready? Please Join Crop Growers, LLP, Farm Credit East, and Yankee Farm Credit for a timely discussion led by Dr. Marin Bozic of the University of Minnesota along with Farm Credit East business consultant Gregg McConnell.

The event will cover:

  • 2020 Impact, Rebuilding in 2021 – Dr. Bozic will explore the post-election market impact, the year ahead and decision support tools to assist dairy producers through it all.
  • 2021 Volatility – are you sure you’re ready? Business Consultant Gregg McConnell will share insights as you prepare for the new year.
  • Ask the Experts – Live  discussion taking questions from webinar participants.

To Register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8512205028053898765

We have released an updated edition of “The Northeast Economic Engine: Agriculture, Forest Products, and Commercial Fishing

Produced in collaboration with researchers at the University of Connecticut’s College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources, this report updates the previous studies of the economic impact of these natural resource-based businesses in 8 Northeast states.

The bottom line: farming, fishing, and forestry contribute $104 Billion to the economies of New England, NY, and NJ, and support more than a half-million jobs across the region. The economy and jobs impacts are detailed by each state in the report.

Visit https://www.farmcrediteast.com/-/media/farm-credit-east/knowledge-exchange/Reports/2020/20-0322_FCE_NE_EconomicEngine_pages.ashx to download a PDF version. Hard copies are available on request.