
Current MFBF members can run classified ads up to 20 words for $18 with each additional word at $0.60 per word.

For non-members, the cost is $25 for the first 20 words with each additional word at $1 per word.

Classifieds run on our website (with up to 3 photos) and in our printed newsletter (no photos).


For Display Ads, view the document HERE for current rates.

For questions, email Kim at [email protected].


Click here to submit an ad, and we will reach out with payment details

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FOR SALE: Hereford calves for sale: hand-raised and tame, polled, both steers and heifers, for your feedlot or pasture. 617-840-2074.


FOR SALE: Two ag tires, Goodyear 600/16 on rims. $50. Call Steve Petty 508-259-7137.



FOR SALE: New Holland 520 manure spreader for sale. Very good condition, new floor, chain, 217-bushel capacity. Ready to work. Hardwick, MA. 413-230-6396, [email protected]



FREE: Farmall engine, Serial #MB50 9082 (possibly 1952). Free to good home! Call 617-283-7905.


FOR SALE: Wine making equipment -- crushers, de-stemmers, vats, carboys. Call for details 617-283-7905.


FOR SALE: John Deere 447 round baler ($5,500) and 24' New Holland hay conveyor ($250). Call 508-330-3997.


FOR SALE: EPA-certified Central Boiler Classic Edge HDX models. Call today to learn more at 413-296-4320.


FOR SALE: Hay 1st and 2nd cutting. 4’ x 5’ round and small square bales. Conway Farms, Lakeville, MA. 508-821-0149.

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Have a position available you'd like to advertise for? Contact Kim at [email protected].

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DOT Medical Exams in Northeast & Western, MA
Merrimack Valley DOT Exams, Lawrence,, 833-683-6863
Deerfield DOT Exams, S. Deerfield,, 413-453-4368

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To advertise, email [email protected]